Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Its been more than a week since I last wrote... I have realised that blog is not only for putting your daily or weekly activities... Thats why I guess most of my previous blogs sounded boring... Well... I must say... This is how I am and cant really change a lot... Although will keep trying to change...

As usual I had gone to Bangalore this weekend also and really had a rocking and exciting time there...

After coming back to Mysore on Monday morning... everything looked pretty much same, nothing will change I thought... Same people roaming around my place... same sound of the temple near my place... Same checking of the security personnel at the office main gate... same breakfast... same swiping in and swiping out people... It was me who was expecting a change...

Hmmm... I got a pleasant surprise when I went to office... We had got some work to do... My partner said that we need to develop a "Meeting Tracker System" which will be used internally in our IBU and we both started working on it(actually he did most of the work)... And by the end of the next day we both had finished our part of assigned work and were jobless again... But our senior who had assigned this work was considerably happy with our work... So I can call that day as my first working day (unofficially)...

Sometimes I get scared thinking that "Is this what life is all about?" Working for five days in some company and then two days of relaxation... This 5:2 ratio has become our routine kind of thing in almost all of our lives(and in some cases it can be 6:1 - all pretty much the same) I feel that we have become puppets in someone's hands... Doing whatever he signals us or orders us...
I must admit that I was not like this... I never really used to think like this also... Something trigerred these thoughts in me and I am continuously become restless about it... I want to know the answer to that Question... I dont know whether everyone is having the same question or is it only me...

Whatever it is... we will be compelled to continue our routine of doing things the way it is defined already and only my thinking or this blog entry wont really change the system we are already in... One more thing which keeps coming to my mind is that everyone of us( which includes myself also) will be having future plans like going for higher studies (MBA,MS,Mtech) or to become a Team lead, Project Manager etc... I have a question that why all of us think the same... Why are we not thinking something different... Is someone(or something) blocking us(or our mind)... Dont really know... And yet as I said we will be compelled to take the same decisions which already someone has decided for us... Its like we having an abstraction of choices( which we think are our choices)...

Finally... I feel that something is really missing in my( or must I say Everyone's) life and I really don't what is it... Well I can say that the changes in me which triggered these kind of thoughts who knows... could be the precursor for some really noticeable changes in me... Or it might end up by me getting the answer for that eternal question... If someone knows the reason behind my restless mind... Kindly enlighten me...

In constant quest for the answer...

Shreyas VS


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