Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Views...

Don't ever expect anything in life, for then whatever comes will be a surprise

Looks really tempting to follow, isn't it?
But we humans haven't overcome the basic craving we all have. I dont even believe people who have become sanyasis also don't have any expections. In fact they are the ones who will be expecting to get mukti by following their own way of life.
So I just read it, admired it and forgot about it...

If you want to get something you never had, do something you have never done

Hmmm... Even after doing somethings which you haven't done in your lifetime, most of the times it happens so that you won't get what you wanted(at least what you wanted when you did that). All depends on your lady luck.
So try it(at your own risk)...

Don't wait to be loved, to love...

This statement, I can link to the first one(Expectation and all that crap).
I think it's very difficult or rather impossible to do something and not to expect anything from that. So samething applies to this also.
No one can be as godly as to not expect anything and extend unconditional love.
So... admired it...


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Theory of relativity in speed

Statement: You will always see more vehicles in the opposite lane approaching towards you when traveling in a highway.

Disclaimer: Something like this might have already been stated more properly and proved also. Any similarity to the original is purely co-incidental.


Assume there are 2 points A and B.
And there is some finite distance between A and B lets say it as 'x' km.
Vehicles v1 and v2 are starting from A and towards B in lane l1.
Vehicles v3 and v4 are starting from B and towards A in lane l2.
Lanes l1 and l2 are adjacent to each other with a small barricade.

Suppose v1 and v3 have started together and bit early and are traveling at a speed of 60 km/h.
Suppose v2 and v4 start together but bit late than their counterparts and are traveling at a speed of 30 km/h.

In the course of vehicle v2's journey it will not overtake v1 and so it will not encounter any vehicle in it's lane.
But it will definitely it will meet v3 and v4 in the opposite lane.

So taking this argument forward for 'n' vehicles, we can say that this theory is proved(at least I am convinced).

Hence the proof.

Had thought of writing so many things on this topic.
But then realsied that it's pretty tough to equivocate.
This is it.